Looking for an AR-15 Custom lower? Read on. If you are looking for a standard, unmodified lower, please click here Aero Precision Complete AR-15 Lower Receiver (Carbine, Pistol, Rifle)
We will take a basic AR-15 lower from Aero-Precision, modify it at your direction (armoring, Cerakote, or both), and ship it to your FFL completed. All AR-15 Custom Lowers from Lotus Tactical LLC carry a lifetime warranty on our work for function; please email if you ever experience any issues.
Want the ultimate companion to it? Build Your Own AR-15 Upper to get the most lead (or brass) on target the fastest.
*does not ship to localities where it is banned
*must ship to an FFL
*If you add an integrally-suppressed upper, you must select a Class III dealer. The Integrally-Suppressed upper will likely ship at a different date than your customized lower.
*custom work such as this is non-refundable; please pass your background checks!
*Ships in 3-4 weeks
*Cerakote adds 6-10 weeks to expected ship date.